Short, Sweet, And Straight To The Fucking Point: 10 Awesome Perks Of Sobriety

girl with big smile with her hands held up giving the rock on hand sign and in front of a solid pink background

If you are newly sober, considering getting sober, wanting to cut back, sober curious, or just looking for a reason to better yourself - here’s a list of things I complied that has made sobriety well worth it!


It can be a challenge, especially in the beginning, to stay mindful of these things when they don’t happen over night. But stay consistent and just watch how these areas of your life drastically improve!


1. Clear-headed Mornings

… or should I say afternoons. No more waking up feeling like a zombie. Mornings are now for coffee, not hangovers! No more spending the duration of your days recovering, just to go out and do it all over again.

woman smiling and drinking coffee

2. Money in the bank

Turns out, not buying booze saves a ton of money. Time to splurge on that thing you've been eyeing! I cannot even begin to tell you how much money went out the window when it came to my drinking and drugging. Not only that, but the things I carelessly spent my money on while I was under the influence. Today, I’m by no means rollin’ in the dough, but I am able to budget and put my money towards things of value and enjoyment(sober enjoyment).

blonde haired woman holding up 100 dollar bills with solid pink background


Remembering what you did last night is kinda cool, right? No more mystery bruises or awkward apologies. It never failed, I would always wake up with some new form of embarrassment to face. Someone I could never look in the eye again. Regrets I would compile. No more time spent trying to piece together whatever I did or said that left others looking at me differently.


4.Glowing Skin

Hello, gorgeous! Your skin will thank you for ditching the toxins. Hello natural glow! Years of hard drug use, stripped me of my youthful appearance. My hair and skin were in the worst shape. Later on, giving up alcohol would be the final step in rejuvenating my looks and reestablishing my self-esteem. It makes the biggest difference, I promise!

woman with hair up in towel and doing skincare

5.Real Friendships

Building genuine connections with people who like you for you, not just for your drinking company. My friendships completely changed when I got sober. I learned rather quickly who was genuine, and cared about me vs. who only spent time with me while I self-destructed. Real friendships are so important to your sobriety journey. Finding friends that you like spending time, can be yourself around, and you can have fun with, without drugs or alcohol, makes a world of difference! drunk text regrets

Those cringy drunk texts? A thing of the past. Your phone is safe now. I can’t even tell you how many times I could’ve punched myself right in the face for the things I would say while under the influence. Now I rest assured that I don’t have to wake up, look at my phone, and be disgusted with myself.

woman texting

7.Supercharged Productivity

Getting shit done like a boss. Your to-do list doesn’t stand a chance! Being sober has allowed me to have so much more time to accomplish daily tasks, be a present parent, and work towards future goals.


8. Guilt-Free sex

No more wondering why you did what you did. Pointless hookups and ill sexual behaviors are a thing of the past. Your body is a temple, be done with the carelessness. Enjoy your time out without worrying about who you’re taking home, what friendship you just ruined, and the post-party regret.

man and woman legs in bed

9. shedding pounds

When I stopped drinking and indulging in the drunk munchies the weight I dropped was crazy! I was blind to the bloating in my face, until it went away. What a difference!


10. Rediscovered Self & Passions

Sobering up allowed me to find happiness in things that were not all that fun wasted. You wouldn’t catch me with a buzz and reading a book. Removing drugs and alcohol from the equation, gave me the opportunity to relearn so many things about myself. My likes, dislikes, my morals, and values. Sobriety has given me the opportunity to enjoy all of the things my years in active addiction stripped me of. It was all well worth it.

woman smiling

Share Your Sobriety Story

Sobriety brings so many incredible perks, and we'd love to hear about your journey! What are some of the amazing benefits you've experienced since getting sober? Or, if you're just starting out, what are you most looking forward to gaining in your sobriety? The best way we learn and grow is by sharing our experiences with one another. Your story could be the inspiration someone else needs to keep going or take that first step. Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

looking for that extra kick in the ass to get you started?

If you’re looking for more personalized support on your sober journey, I invite you to sign up and work with me 1:1. I now offer free consultations for my mentoring program, so we can figure out together what the best path for your recovery looks like. If one-on-one mentoring isn’t your thing, we also have a 24-hour sober support textline with a lifetime subscription, providing constant support whenever you need it. Click the links below!

Side note- Mentoring services are available and can still be of great value to you, even if you are not choosing a life of complete abstinence. Mentoring services are designed to help you reclaim power of your life, rebuild after hardship, and navigates life’s challenges with structured support by your side.

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Celebrate You also offers a multitude of resources in our digital library, crafted specifically to help you along your recovery journey. Feel free to check them out and find what resonates with you.


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Heidi Pawlowski

Heidi is a reformed addict, sober mom, mentor, and dedicated advocate for addiction recovery and mental health. Through knowledge gained from her own personal lived experiences, she has set out to help others in need of overcoming life’s challenges.


Share Your Story:Finding Strength and Hope Through Shared Experiences


Maintenance Programs in Recovery: A Controversial Path to Sobriety