The Benefits of Quitting Drinking

drinking wine with girlfriends

how it started


For a long time, I never considered myself to be an alcoholic. Drinking is so normalized by society, that I effortlessly dismissed the effects it had on my life. Alcohol was never my first choice, compared to all of the other self-destructive habits I accumulated.


My drinking started in high school. Where ever the house party was come Friday and Saturday night, you could always find me there.


Before I was even of the legal age to drink, I had accumulated two separate drinking and driving charges and totaled my dad’s pick-up truck.


I considered an alcoholic someone who drank from the time they woke up, until they laid their head down at night. I considered an alcoholic to be someone who couldn’t stop drinking alcohol. And I could. I just didn’t want to.

drunk woman at house party

My drinking subsided when I found myself drifting towards harder substances. But it never failed-the times I revisited my drinking, it always ended in some sort of chaos.


My drinking led to deterioration of my body mentally, emotionally, and physically. My drinking was tied to self-harm and suicidal thoughts. My drinking lead to countless OWI convictions throughout the years, and permeant revocation of my driving privileges. My drinking was connected to toxicity and abuse that took place within past relationships.


I am an alcoholic.


Once I started my sobriety journey, I found myself feeling lonely, isolated, and misunderstood. As everyone else my age was out at the bar, or drinking socially, and seeming to have a good time, I was either avoiding those situations all together, or suffering in silence.


Sure, I could still go out with friends and not drink.


“I’ll just have a Dr. Pepper.”


Who the fuck wants to do that? The whole time I’m wishing it was a Budweiser. Smiling pretending to have just as much fun as everyone else that can get shit faced responsibly.


I decided early on in my recovery, that if I wanted it to work I was not going to make myself suffer like that. I would make a commitment to be mindful of the situations I put myself in. I was going to eliminate temptations that were within my control.


When I stopped drinking I noticed immediately the benefits of doing so. Making the choice to stop drinking doesn’t have to stem from hitting a rock bottom. It doesn’t have to come from any other force other than you realizing that your life could be tremendously better without it.


As difficult as it was in the very beginning to distance myself from certain people, and find new things to occupy my time the rewards of cutting alcohol out of my life are indescribable.


If you are considering making the change in your life, I want to commend you on your willingness and strength to do so. You can do this!

friends drinking outside

the benefits


Along my own personal journey, these are some of the things that I can note changed drastically once I started to take responsibility for my life and my happiness. Are there still days I think I miss drinking? Sure. Do I also remind myself of all the destruction my drinking caused and how difficult it was to finally break free from that cycle? Absolutely. That has been the key in my sobriety success and refraining from joining back in on the party.


As a recovery coach, I've had the privilege of witnessing countless individuals reclaim their lives and thrive in ways they never thought possible. Here are some of the remarkable benefits you can expect when you choose to embrace a life free from the booze.

areas of expected improvement when you top drinking circle chart



Alcohol can take a serious toll on your body. By quitting drinking, you'll start to notice significant improvements in your physical health, including:

  • Better Liver Function: Your liver will begin to repair itself, reducing the risk of liver disease.

  • Healthier Heart: Lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Improved Sleep: Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to restful, rejuvenating sleep.

  • Weight Loss: Alcohol is high in empty calories, so cutting it out can help you shed unwanted pounds.


Once I rid myself of the all consuming hangovers, I didn’t miss them at all. I didn’t miss the lack of motivation, or the lethargic and lazy state I resided in. I didn’t miss dragging my ass out of bed in the morning, and being disgusted with life.


It became a lot easier once alcohol was void, to start taking care of myself. I started waking up before 2pm. My eating habits regulated. I started to willingly participate in things that required physical exercise or moving my body.


Enhanced Mental Clarity and Emotional Well-being


Sobriety brings a newfound sense of mental clarity and emotional stability. Benefits include:

  • Improved Focus and Memory: Without the brain fog caused by alcohol, you'll think more clearly and remember things more easily.

  • Emotional Balance: Experience fewer mood swings and a more stable, positive outlook on life.

  • Reduced Anxiety and Depression: Alcohol can exacerbate mental health issues. Sobriety often leads to a significant reduction in anxiety and depressive symptoms.


When I drank, my mental health plummeted. I was the definition of unhinged. Drinking amplified my anxiety. The morning after was the worst. Knowing that I shouldn’t have drank, that others might be disappointed in me, facing whatever questionable actions, and my stomach being in knots before opening my phone to face the music.


I ran to alcohol many of times to avoid emotional turmoil, which ultimately only made everything that much worse. You could find me drowning in a 12 pack crying over a man. Only to get sloshed, pick up the phone and call him, or make some other unnecessary embarrassment out of myself.


If I wasn’t sad, I was MAD. There was no in between.


Getting sober, without a doubt, helped me level out my mental state. Just because I made the choice to get sober, didn’t mean that I still wouldn’t have to experience hardships and difficult emotions. However, without alcohol in my life, I have been able to work through that shit much more effectively and rationally.

woman screaming

Stronger Relationships


Alcohol can strain relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. By quitting drinking, you'll:

  • Build Trust: Regain the trust and respect of loved ones.

  • Improve Communication: Interact more authentically and effectively with others.

  • Enhance Social Connections: Engage in meaningful, sober activities that strengthen bonds with those around you.


In the wrath of our addiction or use, we tend to end up doing a lot of harm to those around us. Especially the friends, family, and spouses that love us the most, and want to see us figure out a better way of living.


I put my parents and people I genuinely cared so much for, through a lot during my years stuck in active addiction. Trust was broken, hurtful things were said, poor decisions were made. When I got sober, that gave me the opportunity to start working on mending some of those important relationships.


Financial Benefits


The financial impact of quitting drinking is substantial. Consider the savings from:

  • Reduced Spending: No more money spent on alcohol, bar tabs, or costly nights out.

  • Lower Healthcare Costs: Fewer medical expenses related to alcohol-induced health issues.

  • Increased Productivity: Greater focus and energy can lead to improved performance at work, potentially leading to promotions and raises.


Drinking, just like everything else in this world, if not done in moderation can become an expensive habit. Money spent out at the club or the bar. Money spent on a 30 pack every other day. Money spent on the dumbest shit while in your drunken stupor, or just ending up misplaced after a long night out.


My drinking resulted in several drinking and driving charges over the years. As grateful as I am, that I was never injured myself, or hurt anyone else, thank God- it does not go to dismiss the major financial toll that took on me. Between court fees, legal fees, lawyer fees, my intoxalock, insurance, and fines, the exact dollar amount is enough to make anyone puke. I’m still to this day… many years later… paying off my remaining fines.


Personal Growth and Fulfillment


Sobriety opens the door to incredible personal growth. You'll discover:

  • New Hobbies and Interests: With more time and energy, you can explore passions and hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment.

  • Increased Self-Esteem: Achieving sobriety boosts confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

  • Purposeful Living: Gain clarity on your goals and aspirations, and take steps towards a more meaningful and purpose-driven life.


When I stopped drinking I started gradually finding new things to do with my time. Things that I had lost all desire to do when I was actively drinking. Things I wasn’t physically or emotionally capable of enjoying while I had alcohol in my life.


I have found such a love for reading, and writing. Both of which I never dedicated any time to when I was drinking. I found great friendships within both the NA and AA communities. I regained happiness and joy in areas that alcohol had me convinced they were stripped of.


I have seen noticeable change in my physical environment since finding sobriety. Maintaining a clean and organized home and work space is not only important to me, but it is fully obtainable.


The longer I stay away from alcohol and am consistent with my efforts to make small strides in the right direction each and every day, I’ve continued to see major improvements in all of these areas. So, do I miss drinking? When I sit back and see the life I have now because I chose to give it up - no.

women dancing in yard with flowers

Take the First Step Today


Quitting drinking is not just about giving up alcohol; it's about gaining a whole new life. If you're considering sobriety, know that you are not alone. Reach out for support, whether it's from a coach, a support group, or loved ones.


Are you ready to experience the transformative benefits of a sober life? Take the first step today and start your journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling future. Remember, you have the strength and resilience to make this change. We can walk this path together!

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Join the Conversation: What benefits have you experienced from quitting drinking? Share your stories in the comments below and inspire others with your journey. 🌟


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