30 Journaling Prompts For Your Recovery


As you navigate the ups and downs of your recovery, one powerful tool that can provide invaluable support is the practice of daily journaling.


Journaling is more than just putting pen to paper - it's a means of self-reflection, emotional exploration, and personal empowerment. By dedicating time each day to capture your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, you open the door to a deeper understanding of yourself, your patterns, and the progress you're making.


Journaling is a game-changer. It allows you to track your triggers, manage cravings, celebrate your wins, and work through the challenges that inevitably arise. The act of writing can serve as a therapeutic outlet, helping you process complex emotions and find clarity amidst the chaos.


The benefits of journaling extend far beyond the realm of your sobriety. As you embark on a journey of self-improvement, your journal can become a trusted companion, guiding you through personal growth, goal-setting, and the cultivation of a more positive, resilient mindset.


Are you looking to dive deep and reestablish that spark that resides within? Start here. Successfully generate your response to each of these structured prompts and you will surely be reminded of the power you hold! Devote the time to appreciating all that you are, how far you’ve come, and the beauty that resides all around you. Let’s get this show on the road rockstar!

  1. Freedom is… (add as many as come to mind)

  2. In my wildest fantasy of not giving a f***, what are the things I’d do if nothing was holding me back, if there were no consequences?

  3. 10 experiences/accomplishments I’d like to have before I pass away.

  4. What’s one thought that has been getting the best of you lately? How has it been influencing your behavior?

  5. What is something you’ve been wanting to do but have been too afraid to try? (Why are you afraid?)

  6. Describe your favorite thing to do when feeling low.

  7. What three ordinary things bring you the most joy?

  8. List three strategies that help you stay grounded during challenging times.

  9. What do you look forward to most in the future?

  10. Identify one area where you’d like to improve. Then, list three specific actions you can take to create that change.

  11. How do you make time for yourself each day?

  12. What do you most want to accomplish in life?

  13. List three obstacles lying in the way of your contentment or happiness. Then, list two potential solutions to begin overcoming each obstacle.

  14. Reflect on the progress you’ve made so far in your recovery journey.

  15. Identify 10 things you’ve learned about yourself since starting recovery.

  16. What would you say to fight back against your addiction?

  17. Describe yourself in active addiction in three words, then describe yourself today in three words.

  18. Think about all the people who have helped you on your journey to sobriety.

  19. What is one skill you would like to learn in the future?

  20. Write about an experience that taught you a valuable lesson about forgiveness or acceptance.

  21. What’s one thought that has been getting the best of you lately? How has it been influencing your behavior?

  22. Describe a moment of gratitude you experienced today, no matter how small.

  23. Reflect on a mistake you’ve made and the lessons you’ve learned from it.

  24. List three things you love about yourself, inside and out.

  25. What are three things you can do to practice self-care today?

  26. Write about a person who has been a positive influence on your recovery and the reasons you are grateful for their presence in your life.

  27. Imagine your life five years from now. What do you hope to have accomplished in your recovery journey, and what steps can you take today to work towards those goals?

  28. Write about a moment of unexpected joy or peace you encountered today, and explore the feelings and thoughts it evoked in you.

  29. Reflect on a time when you felt proud of your progress in recovery. What actions or choices led to this moment, and how can you build on this success in the future?

  30. What would I lose if I did what I really want in life, and what do I lose if I don’t?


From cultivating self-compassion to unlocking your inner strength, these prompts will empower you to dive deeper, uncover your true potential, and write the next chapter of your story with intention and purpose.

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Heidi Pawlowski

Heidi is a reformed addict, girl mom, mentor, and dedicated advocate for addiction recovery and mental health. Through knowledge gained from her own personal lived experiences, she has set out to help others in need of overcoming life’s challenges.


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