Creating Change: The Power Of Self-Affirmations

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It’s time you start being a little bit nicer to yourself. Don’t you think?

By incorporating positive affirmations into your daily routine, you can train your brain to focus on the positive, cultivate self-compassion, and stay grounded in your recovery goals, even during challenging times.


Practicing self-affirmations offers various benefits, including increased focus on positive aspects, reduced stress, improved well-being, enhanced academic performance, and greater openness to behavior change. Self-affirmations can boost problem-solving abilities, creativity, and overall mental health, making them a valuable tool for personal development and resilience. They are exceptional tools for improving mindset and self-esteem, and they can be personalized to address individual needs and emotions as well. Speak them into existence. Let them be known as your truth.


How To Get Started:

  1. Create personalized affirmations: Craft affirmations that are meaningful and tailored to your specific needs and goals. Use "I" statements like "I am strong enough to overcome this challenge" or "I deserve to be happy and healthy."

  2. Repeat affirmations regularly: Set aside time each day, such as when you wake up or before bed, to repeat your chosen affirmations out loud or silently. Repetition helps reinforce the positive messages.

  3. Write down your affirmations: Keep a journal or post your affirmations in visible places like your bathroom mirror or refrigerator. The act of writing them down can further cement the positive thoughts.

  4. Pair affirmations with activities: Incorporate your affirmations into your daily routine, such as during meditation, exercise, or self-care practices. This helps anchor the positive mindset.

  5. Seek support from others: Share your affirmations with trusted friends or family members and ask them to remind you of these positive statements when you need encouragement.

  6. Be patient and persistent: Changing negative thought patterns takes time and consistent practice. Stick with your affirmations, even on difficult days, and trust that the positive effects will compound over time.

Here, try by utilizing some of these. Short, simple, yet undeniably powerful.


I create a safe and secure space for myself wherever I am.

I give myself permission to do what is right for me.

I am responsible for my own happiness.

I deserve love.

I am a gentle and loving person.

I can trust myself.

I am in control of my life.

I have choices.

I am intelligent.

I am okay just the way I am.

I will get what I want.

I can succeed.

I can make mistakes and learn from them.

My needs and wants are important.

I am independent.

I can be powerful and ask for help at the same time.

I am creative, productive, and joyful.

I can trust my inner wisdom.

I am lovable at every age.

I can do it!

I am unique and I embrace my individuality.

I am living the best time of my life!

I deserve the best and I will work to get it.

Life loves me, and I love life!

There are no problems, only opportunities

I am thankful for all the things that led me to where I am today.

God is providing me with everything that I need to succeed.

I am successful.

I am confident.

I am powerful.

I am strong.

I am getting better and better every day.

All I need is within me right now.

I wake up motivated.

I am an unstoppable force.

I am a living, breathing example of motivation.

I am living with abundance.

I am having a positive and inspiring impact on the people I come into contact with.

I am thankful for the gift of another day.

I am worthy of love and respect.

I trust in my ability to achieve my goals.

I am constantly growing and evolving.

I radiate confidence and grace.

I am at peace with who I am.

I attract positivity into my life.

I am surrounded by supportive and loving people.

I choose to focus on what I can control.

I believe in my ability to overcome challenges.

I deserve happiness and fulfillment.

I am grateful for the opportunities life presents to me.


Benefits & Rewards:

Numerous studies have shown that regularly practicing positive self-affirmations can have a range of beneficial outcomes.

-Decreased Stress and Improved Problem-Solving

-Enhanced Well-Being and Reduced Self-Sabotage

-Improved Academic Performance

-Increased Motivation and Confidence

-Better Emotional Management

-Reinforcement of Progress and Resilience

-Neurological Changes


By incorporating positive self-affirmations into your daily routine, you can cultivate a more constructive, empowered, and resilient mindset to support your recovery journey.


Here are some examples of positive affirmations for self-love and self-esteem:

  • I am worthy of love, joy and belonging.

  • It's OK to ask for what I need or want.

  • I am worthy of love and kindness even when I struggle or mess up.

  • I am just as important as others.

  • My self-worth is not defined by what others think of me.

  • I am learning and growing all the time.

  • Taking care of myself allows me to be the best version of myself.

  • It's OK to say "no."

  • If someone is upset with me, I can handle it.

  • My mistakes, faults or shortcomings don't have to define me or my future.

  • I matter. The fact that I exist means that I have significance.

  • Dignity and self-respect are mine to hold, simply because I am a human being.

  • Hope is real and available to me.

  • Mercy and grace are gifts I can both receive and give.

  • I can make choices that lead me to be a victor, and not a victim.

  • I can spread good in my sphere of influence.

  • Just because I make a mistake does not mean I am a failure.

  • My best doesn't have to look like anyone else's best.

  • It is OK to rest and take time for myself.

  • I can practice self-love without feeling guilty.

  • I can allow myself to have my feelings, even the uncomfortable ones.

  • It is OK to be a beginner.

  • I do not need to have all the answers.

  • I get to decide what's "good enough."

  • I can do hard things.

  • I can harness calm even in a stressful situation.

  • My wholeness is worth the healing journey it takes.

self improvement quote

Additional affirmations to help you in your sober living journey by promoting self-acceptance, self-compassion, and a focus on progress over perfection:

  • I am working my recovery.

  • I am an imperfect yet worthwhile person.

  • I have value and worth.

  • I can love myself and accept my past.

  • I am a worthwhile person, exactly as God intended me to be.

  • I am finding my integrity one day at a time.

  • I am worthy of love and acceptance, exactly as I am.

  • Today, I choose to live in the moment.

  • My past actions do not define me in the present.

  • I am able to give and receive love.

  • I respect the boundaries of others.

  • I am recovering with the help of others.

  • I have done bad things, but I am not a bad person.

  • It is OK for me to talk to others about what I am thinking and feeling.

  • I am letting go of my shame.

  • I am fully present today.

  • I can heal and forgive myself for the harms I have caused.

  • I am a better person today than I was yesterday.

  • I am able to ask for and accept help when I need it without feeling ashamed.

  • Today, I choose to reach out to others before I act out in my addiction.

  • I have compassion for myself and for others.

  • I am happy living my life one day at a time.

  • I am striving for progress, not perfection.

  • I am living a better life today than yesterday.

  • I am making positive changes in my life, one step at a time.

  • Today, my heart is clean.

  • I am fearlessly and rigorously honest in all aspects of life


Whether you're struggling with addiction, seeking to boost your self-esteem, or simply striving to live with more intention and purpose, these affirmations can be a transformative tool.

My hope is that the affirmations shared here will resonate with you, inspire you, and serve as a guiding light on your journey of self-discovery and healing. Remember, you are worthy, you are capable, and you have the strength within you to overcome any challenge that comes your way!

Heidi pawlowski

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