Online One-On-One Peer Mentoring Sessions


Let’s Work Together!

Our one-on-one peer mentoring substance abuse sessions are designed to provide personalized, empathetic support and guidance tailored to your unique recovery journey. Each session is led by Heidi herself, who has walked the path of recovery, offering a deep understanding and genuine compassion.

What Our Sessions Help With:

  • Achieving and Maintaining Sobriety: Receive practical advice, coping strategies, and emotional support to help you stay sober.

  • Setting and Achieving Goals: Work with your mentor to set realistic recovery goals and develop a plan to achieve them.

  • Overcoming Challenges: Get guidance on navigating the obstacles and triggers that arise during recovery.

  • Building a Support System: Learn how to build and maintain a supportive network of friends, family, and fellow recoverees.

  • Developing Healthy Habits: Establish routines and habits that promote a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.

Flexible Scheduling:

Each session can be purchased individually, allowing you to proceed at your own pace. How often you want to schedule or participate is solely up to you and will be discussed during your first session. You are under no obligation to participate beyond your means or desire. Whether you choose weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly sessions, your mentor will be there to support you every step of the way. Sessions will be held using zoom audio or video dependent on individual preference.

Emergency and crisis line texting options available.

Purpose and Benefits of Peer Mentoring:

The purpose behind peer mentoring is to provide support from someone who has been in your shoes. Peer mentors offer insights, encouragement, and practical advice drawn from their own experiences with addiction and recovery. This type of support can be incredibly powerful and beneficial for your sobriety, as it:

  • Promotes Accountability: Regular check-ins help keep you accountable to your recovery goals.

  • Fosters Connection: Building a relationship with someone who understands your journey can reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.

  • Enhances Motivation: Seeing the progress and success of your mentor can inspire and motivate you to continue your recovery efforts.

  • Provides Hope: Knowing that your mentor has successfully navigated recovery can give you hope and confidence in your own ability to achieve sobriety.

Take the next step in your recovery journey with our one-on-one peer mentoring sessions. I am ready to support you in achieving the happy, fulfilling life you deserve!

Once you have purchased your session, we kindly ask that you fill out the attached drug and alcohol assessment that will come in your confirmation email. This will better help us understand your needs. Once you have filled out the form, please return it by sending it to our email at Emails are usually received and reviewed within 24 hours. Scheduling of days and times for session to take place will happen after completion of the form. Thank you for your cooperation. If there are any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Our peer mentoring services are designed to offer support, guidance, and encouragement through shared experiences in addiction recovery. However, they are not a substitute for professional or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We strongly recommend that you seek the advice of your physician, therapist, or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or mental health issue. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have discussed with a peer mentor.

Schedule A Session

Let’s Work Together!

Our one-on-one peer mentoring substance abuse sessions are designed to provide personalized, empathetic support and guidance tailored to your unique recovery journey. Each session is led by Heidi herself, who has walked the path of recovery, offering a deep understanding and genuine compassion.

What Our Sessions Help With:

  • Achieving and Maintaining Sobriety: Receive practical advice, coping strategies, and emotional support to help you stay sober.

  • Setting and Achieving Goals: Work with your mentor to set realistic recovery goals and develop a plan to achieve them.

  • Overcoming Challenges: Get guidance on navigating the obstacles and triggers that arise during recovery.

  • Building a Support System: Learn how to build and maintain a supportive network of friends, family, and fellow recoverees.

  • Developing Healthy Habits: Establish routines and habits that promote a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.

Flexible Scheduling:

Each session can be purchased individually, allowing you to proceed at your own pace. How often you want to schedule or participate is solely up to you and will be discussed during your first session. You are under no obligation to participate beyond your means or desire. Whether you choose weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly sessions, your mentor will be there to support you every step of the way. Sessions will be held using zoom audio or video dependent on individual preference.

Emergency and crisis line texting options available.

Purpose and Benefits of Peer Mentoring:

The purpose behind peer mentoring is to provide support from someone who has been in your shoes. Peer mentors offer insights, encouragement, and practical advice drawn from their own experiences with addiction and recovery. This type of support can be incredibly powerful and beneficial for your sobriety, as it:

  • Promotes Accountability: Regular check-ins help keep you accountable to your recovery goals.

  • Fosters Connection: Building a relationship with someone who understands your journey can reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.

  • Enhances Motivation: Seeing the progress and success of your mentor can inspire and motivate you to continue your recovery efforts.

  • Provides Hope: Knowing that your mentor has successfully navigated recovery can give you hope and confidence in your own ability to achieve sobriety.

Take the next step in your recovery journey with our one-on-one peer mentoring sessions. I am ready to support you in achieving the happy, fulfilling life you deserve!

Once you have purchased your session, we kindly ask that you fill out the attached drug and alcohol assessment that will come in your confirmation email. This will better help us understand your needs. Once you have filled out the form, please return it by sending it to our email at Emails are usually received and reviewed within 24 hours. Scheduling of days and times for session to take place will happen after completion of the form. Thank you for your cooperation. If there are any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Our peer mentoring services are designed to offer support, guidance, and encouragement through shared experiences in addiction recovery. However, they are not a substitute for professional or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We strongly recommend that you seek the advice of your physician, therapist, or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or mental health issue. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have discussed with a peer mentor.