Why Sober Was Worth It
Photo By Melissa Lind Object 11 Photography (2017)
A part of my story- The following video and photos are of the moment I finally got to be reunited with my daughter. This day will forever stay etched in my heart and in my mind. The surprise of a lifetime. My run in with hard drugs had separated me from her for a long time. I sat in jail for a year, ended up homeless for 4 months following that, then ended up getting the opportunity that changed my life. I moved out to Wisconsin and got clean. This was day 103 of my sobriety journey. After all the hell I went through, all the challenging moments I fought through.. this moment made it all worth it. Let this be a message to all that might need it… Never give up. Keep F;ghting ❤
“When You Love Someone, They Become Your Reason”
Photo By Melissa Lind Object 11 Photography (2017)
Photo By Melissa Lind Object 11 Photography (2017)
Photo By Melissa Lind Object 11 Photography (2017)